Wednesday, September 30, 2009


GOSH, can life slow down just a little. I have been so busy with school, VB and being mom and wife. Last year I told myself I was not going to do VB again because it was so hectic with Mya, dragging her to the gym with me and not getting to bed till late. It was just way to stressful, so might I ask what I was thinking when I did indeed come back again to coach with TWO children? I must have not been thinking at all. Actually I really really love coaching at Bountiful High, I love the girls and I love the relationship you can get with them that you cannot get in the classroom. I suppose that is why I keep coming back, hopefully my girls are too young to remember be dragging them all over the place and living in gyms! I also LOVE my job, there is nothing better than teaching resource students and some more severe. I am in awe as I watch them learn and grow in my class. I love to see them reach small milestones and I love the things they teach me. Last night we had a Volleyball game against Highland, and the match was very competive and very entertaining, but in the crowds there was a young man probably in his 20's or 30's that was extremely disabled. I couldn't stop watching him, I know rude to stare but it wasn't a stare you down stare. It was more like I looked up to this kid more than he would ever know. He knew the life he would live, in Heaven he agreed to come down in a disfigured body and mind and he chose to take that challange. How could anyone not look up to him, and I think that on a daily basis of my students. Really it is a very neat feeling to work so closley with these amazing kids. They are so much further ahead of us than we think, they understand love on a level we may never know, they know what kind hearted and generous is from a first hand basis, they know what it is to fight and to survive, and they know more than any of us what this life was really all about! I can only hope in my years to come in teaching and working with these kids that I can learn from them!
Now about being a mom, I LOVE IT. NOw those of you who know me know I was not saying those words when Mya was 3 months old, I swore I would never give birth again. Being a mom was so hard for me with her, and no she was not a hard baby. Just the whole thing, sitting at home, not being productive, feeling like my brain was wasting away, talking ot myself all day. UGH I really hated it. BUt now I love being a mom, I still have my boring days, don't we all. But working part time makes me a much MUCH better mom. The time I do get with my girls is quality and we do so much, but it is so nice to still work and challange my mind and help my students. I am so grateful that the Lord allowed me to be a mom in this world, I would not replace it for nothing. And I can't wait to have another baby, I am not scared at all. DOn't worry there won't be another one for a couple of years at least, just saying the idea is no longer scary, which is a good thing ah beig it will be my 3rd kid! Just took me longer than some to get it.
Now about the girls, Marlee is doing great and sleeping like a mothers dream would only allow. She is only fussy very rarely, nothing like Mya got at night! Mya is a smarty pants, she is just over two and learning all of her colors, and numbers. She can sign them all just working on saying them now. Mya is so fun to play with, I admit I used to get bored playing with her, rolling a ball back and forth is only fun for so long, for me. But know I can't wait to come home to her and play. I end up just laughing my head off, she is so quick witted and hilarious. Her personality is a good mix between me and Todd. She is very sensitive (me) but very funny (todd). SHe loves "thissy" and wants to hold her all the time. She is getting much better with her and not being so rough. We have not had eyes poked out or Marlee has not been sat on in about two weeks! Things are looking up in her world! Well I have blabbed long enough!

Mya in mommy's sports bra, pray you never can fit in that kiddo!

My two little hoodlum girls!

Marlee 3 months old! Yes she is getting chunky! I love those cheeks!

Mya got her ears peirced AGAIN. I got them done when she was like 4 months old and things were good until Mya was about a year. Than she would not leave them alone. She would rip her earrings out everytime I turned around. I spent so much money on a weekly basis due to lost earring that she would randomly rip out. I gave up and let the holes grow in. She screamed like no kid could scream when I got them done again, but has been great with them for a week now. I figured she is old enough to know when I tell her to stop touching them she obeys. We will see how it goes though. These two girls were standing by getting their ears peirced after Mya. THey were about 6 and 7 years old. You should have seen their faces when Mya got done, complete terror filled their little eyes. I wished them good luck on our way out and told them it wasn't that bad, my little girl was just as dramatic as they come. They still didn't look one bit convinced! Poor things
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Erika said...

Ally is doing the exact same thing now. I got hers pierced when she was 3 months and never had a problem until this last week and now she rips them out and won't leave them along. Maybe I should just let them grow over too.

Anonymous said...

Hey hopefully Mya will take after her aunt Tami in the frontal area:) ok maybe not. I can't wait to see the kids again they already look so different marlee has chunked up but man they are cute girls!! love you all!!

Rachelle said...

Such cutie pies! I'm glad things are starting to settle down a little bit. I bet you're such a fun teacher and coach!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl... I swear you are absolutley amazing!!! I loved watching ur baby girls, they are so dang sweet! Anytime.... i'm there for ya. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hey I am glad I get to see them on sunday. Mya just cracks me up. Love ya