Saturday, February 6, 2010

Warning Gross

I know I really do post some questionable pics but don't look, warning if you don't want to see throw up. This was just a small insight to my life for 2 weeks with poor marlee when she was at the hospital and than when we got home. Poor thing, I have had a couple of people say to me, oh well she is only 6 months she couldn't have thrown up that much. WRONG she can and she did! It was really horrible, I have never been puked on so much in my life. Conquered my fear of stomach flu issues and throw up. Thanks Marlee!

Grandma making a special home evening treat with Mya, in which we never did get around to FHE that night, but the cookies were good!

Grandma hanging out with Marlee

Mya loving sissy, oh man Mya will do anything for her little sister, it is very sweet and I hope it always will stay that way. She is so so so protective. When Marlee is having a mini heart attack when she thinks she is starving and starts to freak out when she see's me making a bottle, sometimes I will say things like "Marlee, relax, your not going to kill over, you will have the bottle soon enough". Mya will come to her rescue and tell me to stop yelling at sissy and to be nice or I will go to time out! What have I created?
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Our ABC Family said...

I hope Marlee is feeling so much better! Poor little thing! I can't imagine what you guys have had to go through!

Kristen said...

THAT IS SO MUCH VOMIT!! I can't even believe she had that much in her stomach! Wow! I hope she is doing better. How are YOU doing? I bet you are so exhausted!! Sick kids are exhausting on their own--not to mention everything else you are doing!!! You are amazing! Hang in there and know that the Lord loves you!!

Cj Caldwell said...

Poor Marlee! Poor Jamie!! Wow, getting an education never was meant to be easy. The hands on experience is so graphic, but mission accomplished. Lessons learned. It just doesn't pay to be squeemish. You are becoming a great Mom, Jamus. I love you.