Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things I Couldn't Live Without

While at the hospital in which I was there for 4 days there were a few items that simply saved my life.
Love and support from my family. I couldn't have done the emotional first few days at the hospital without my families love. Thanks for the flowers chel, Lac thanks for being there the first day with me and talking me through my breakdowns, Cas thanks for coming in and visiting me. Mom THANK YOU for coming and helping me when I got home, it was so nice to have you in my home!

Say what you will about these hideous, ugly slippers but I love them for my hospital stays. They are so comfortable and just perfect for walking around the gross hosp. floor. I love them! Maybe one day they will be the new fashion statement...ok probably not but still they saved me.

A fork??? I know odd right, and no it was not used for eating. I itched horribly bad for the first 3 days in hospital. I itched with my girls too which is a very common side effect I know, but this was almost unbearable really. It was horrible. I could not stop itching everywhere, this fork saved my life. All night long I would just be itching. I have scabs all over because I couldn't stop. Whoever knew a fork would be so valuable for something besides eating!

You feel so nasty and gross after sitting in a hospital bed, no shower feels better than that first shower you get to get into after being in the bed at the hospital!
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1 comment:

Brooke said...

LOL Those red slippers look like they would be Elmo's but do look comfortable! And holy cow, your shower looks so nice at the hospital!!!!