Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Play Dough

So me and Mya are playing with play dough this morning and I asked her, "What do you want me to make today?" Thinking she will reply with a ant, dog, snake, maybe a cat. No she says " mom make a hippopotamus, zebra not a mama one a baby one and and jaguar." Oh ok Mya let me wipe out with those animals. Really what kid asks for that. What happened to snake just rolling the play dough out. I gave the zebra an attempt and she said, "mom I said zebra." I told her I know honey that is a zebra. She replies no mom that is not a zebra, ummmm I don't know what you make. So there will be no pictures with this post, but really you could tell it was at least a horse, guess she has no imagination at all!!!

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Cj Caldwell said...
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