How long have you been together? 2 years
How long did you date? 13 days...I know it was so crazy!
How old is he? 29 next month
Who eats more? Usually him, but if chocolate is involed, I can go crazy!
Who said "I love you" first? TODD, it's about the only thing he did first!
Who is taller? Todd
Who sings better? Well in this family we don't have any musical talents at all. We both are pretty bad. Neither of us can carry a tune if our life depended on it!
Who is smarter? Book Smarts: Me Street Smarts: Todd by a long shot, I have zero common sense!
Who does laundry? I do, but I don't mind, I love cleaning!
Who does the dishes? Me and I always will be the one. Todd avoids a dish like the plague. He would load the dishwasher with one fork if I let him. He HATES doing dishes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends, I sleep on whatever side is closest to the door.
Who pays the bills? I DO! We sometimes do it together, but I usually am the one doing all the budgeting and writing checks out!
Who mows the lawn? We both do, I love yard work so I would not mind doing it everytime.
Who cooks dinner? Cooking and me don't go in the same sentence. I cannot do it. Was not a talent I was born with, and really have no desire to ever cook. But I will have to eventually when Mya gets older. So Todd is our the chef in the house. Although he can't ever make the same thing twice cause he doesn't know how he made it the first time. He just throws stuff in and it turns out great!
Who is more stubborn? Me by far
Who kissed who first? I had to people, if I never went in for the kill we would still be attempting to hold hands. Todd is the shyest (spelling?) person I have ever met.
Who proposed? Todd
Who is more sensitive? ME, I cry a lot!
Who has more friends? I do, I keep in touch with most all my good friends from high school and even Jr.High. Todd is just been forced I guess you say to become friends with my friends, he doesn't have a lot. That sounded rude, but he just doesn't talk a lot to others or it's hard for him to get out of his comfort zone!
Who has more siblings? Todd by one person.
Who am I tagging? Anyone who has time to do this.
Oh dear, the one about how todd would load the dish washer with only a fork in it, made me cry I was laughing so hard... Only cause I can really see him really doing that. oh man, i love Todd:)
Hi guys, Its Joe and Tai! Lacey and Mel found us and we are so excited that we get to keep in touch. We don't get to see you guys enough. Your baby is so sweet and so beautiful. We are going to add you on our list.
You guys are so cute!!!! That was fun reading about y'all. I sometimes think about when Todd said he popped your 'Utah Bubble' and giggle to myself;)
"Who kissed who first? I had to people, if I never went in for the kill we would still be attempting to hold hands."
Jamie - Less than 13 days isn't being 'shy'. I love you!
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