Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Ok so I have been a little nervous cause Mya is 10 months and she doesn't crawl, nor show any desire at all to move, nor does she walk, scoot or slide! She is perfectly content to sit and play with toys all day. Well she was really quite in her room forever, which is not unusal but I had a feeling she was into something! There she was caught tearing all her clothes out of her dresser. I couldn't even be mad, she is moving a little. I am so proud she pulled herself up and pulled things out. This is great news for us. Look at her expression in some of these, she looks like..."hmmm, am I in trouble or this this ok to do?"


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Lacey Jay said...

This is classic... GO MYA GO!

Trent and Steph said...

Don't worry, she will start to move soon enough. Cort only started to do it a couple months ago and now he is into everything.

The Caldwells said...

Oh Jamie . . . this is the beginning of the end!! Be ready to be exhausted chasing her and cleaning all day!! Glad to see she's moving . . . and I wouldn't worry about her not moving . . . Kyler was slow and now look at him . . . I can't slow him down if I tried!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh we need to get her and London together. they are at the exact same stage in their lives. They totally need to hand out. She is so dang cute. She's finally beginning to feel better thanks to your great advise. call me as soon as this wheather gets nice for sure I wont bail on you again.