Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Baby Girl

Mya is getting so old, I can't believe she grew up so fast. She goes into nursery next week. They are letting her go in a little bit early. She makes me laugh everyday. She has the funniest personality. Some things about my little one are:
- She get scared so easily. If someone knocks on the door, music is playing on the radio and out of now where she starts screaming and running ot us to pick her up, you walk in a room where she is playing and say hi mya she jumps and starts balling and climbs on you. Any small little things freaks this kid out. I was playing christmas music the other day and it had been playing the same songs all morning, out of no where she screams as if someone is attacking her and flies in the kitchen as fast as her legs will take her and starts crawling up me. So very random noises will scare her.
-She won't eat with a spoon or a fork, she insists on eating with her hands. But when she is eating and she notices she has a noodle or a piece of food stuck on her fingers she will whine with her hands out until we wipe it off. This makes for some very long meals.
-In the bath tub, which she loves her baths, but when she is in there she has lint from her socks in her toes and it starts floating she freaks out. She will start screaming and try and crawl out of the bath. I mean the smallest of small spec's that the human eye can hardly see she can see them in the bath and flip until her bath water is floaty free. Oh and you can imagine when she poops in the tub (yea it is disgusting, but she has done it a few times) she about blows a gusket. These big brown floaties in her tub sends her through the roof.
-She pulls these faces that I have no idea where she learned them. At church or the store if someone is looking at her she smiles the most cheesy, fake, grin that her eyes disappear, I mean its a huge cheese but the funny thing is is she will do it for half a second than go back to total seriousness. Cheese, serious, Cheese, serious...does this two or three times. People don't know whether to laugh or think something is wrong with her. I could go on and on about these faces that puts people in tears laughing so hard. My mom was over last night and she was in tears, well we all were mya was doing the funniest faces. SHe's a little show off when grandma comes. It was like she drank caffinee she was so wired all night with my mom. Those two sure are great buddies. Thanks mom for taking time to come spend with us and Mya, she cherishs your visits.
-I do not exist when dad comes in the door, i am chop liver. She no longer needs me, dad is ALL she wants. She has to go in the bathroom with him to shower and to pee. She does not let him out of her sight. She is so daddy's girl.
-She is very sensitive, which she gets from me. I am very very sensitive and get my feelings hurt easily. If you tell Mya "no" even in a really nice tone her bottom lip quivers and about 10seconds later she is balling like you just screamed at her.
-She knows a lot of sign lanuguage such as: bird, dog, mom, dad, shoes, socks, drink, hat and more but can't think of them all. People told me it was a risk teaching her sign lanuage cause it could delay her speech, but trust me if you are around her she is not afraid to speak up, sing, shout or talk.
All in all I guess you could say Mya is picki baby, hmm wonder where she gets that from!



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Trent and Steph said...

Mya looks so cute in her dress. Hope you guys have a great Christmas.

Lacey Jay said...

I loved reading those things about her! They sound just like her:) I can't wait to come have sleep overs!!!!! Just a few more days:)

Anonymous said...

aww, she is so adorable! :)