Monday, January 4, 2010

After About 4 yrs of Marriage...

These are the kinds of conversations we are having. Sunday Morning:
Jamie: Ugh Todd seriously I am so tired of cleaning the toilet once a day. Everytime you go you which let me remind you is like 4 times a day you leave a ugly picture. You are cleaning the toilet from here on out, I am so tired of it!"
Todd: have fun cleaning out the drains in the shower with all your hair balls and I don't even want to know what else is in with them hair balls.
Jamie: Fine we keep our same jobs but Todd really stop going so much your not normal to go that much.
Todd: And cleaning out drains is so much fun, you should be bald by now!
Jamie: Whatever Todd, my job is way sicker!
WOW don't we sound like adults!


Trent and Steph said...

That is too funny!

Brooke said...

HAHA! At least your husband cleans the drain!

Tai and Joe said...

Thats so funny! Joe and I are the same way.

Our ABC Family said...

LOL! I love it! Its good to find humor in the little things. THanks for sharing!
How have you been feeling?