Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh Mya

I love this stage that Mya is in, oh she makes me laugh some days. She is so full of life and although she can get me so mad when she back talks me and throws fits, there are times she has me laughing so hard. First picture, my daughter loves soap. I don't feed her enough at dinner so when she gets in the bath she loves to eat the soap. We have to take the soap out of the bath while she is in there playing or this happens.

I just die laughing everytime I look at these pictures. Mya absolutly LOVES hid-n-seek and will play for hours with anyone who will play with her. She thinks she is so creative when it's her turn to hide she will run to the same hiding place every time. This time she got really creative, she stuffed her head into our pillows on our bed, as you can see with her whole behind hanging out and couldn't figure out how in the world daddy found her. Oh Mya you are so funny. When Mya is hiding Todd will just say,"MYa I have a fruit snack for you, and she will come running out everytime....mean if you ask me!

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Our ABC Family said...

So stinkin' cute! I love how they think if they can't see us, we can't see them! All part of the fun of growing up!

Lacey Jay said...

oh man, i literally can't stop laughing over those head in the pillow pictures! aha hahaha. oh my word. only mya! LOVE HER!

And holy cow about the throw up! you weren't kidding! Poor Mars!

Cj Caldwell said...

Thats' my girl, taking after her Mom. Smart, smart, smart, but where's the common sense? She is hilarious!!!!!!!